Carbon Finance

building a better world through sustainable pathways

Our Due Diligence Typically Includes Assessing

Counterparty Risk

Carbon offset project developer teams: assessing track record, reputational risks, etc; Sourcing jurisdiction: identifying existing or future regulatory barriers (including Article 6 and local laws)

Regulatory/Program Risk

Risk inherent in the project type; Methodology related risks and identification of critical issues Review and provision of guidance on data, systems, processes, and project documentation;


Price discovery, including assessing project-specific timing / volume / vintages and desired pricing, and market analysis for supply / demand / pricing


Our team has reviewed over 700 projects — many of these multiple times — across 46 countries, across many project types, developed under multiple registries (Verra (VCS/SDV), CAR, Gold Standard, California Compliance Offset Program, Australian ERF/CFI), on behalf of three major offset registries and private sector clients. We maintain extensive networks amongst mature and emerging project developers and institutional and corporate investors. Our team has approved the issuance of millions of offsets on behalf of Verra, CAR, and the California Compliance Offset Program.

Carbon Finance

Countries for Which our team Has Conducted Project Reviews

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Aside from our extensive experience and expertise, what stands us apart is our focus on identifying and mitigating risk, driving productivity, and communicating complex technical matters in plain English.